never know when and where Belief can begin: it could grow out of individual darkness,
rise out of a loud laugh, or just happen during those eternal chores. It could
happen in that thud of betrayal, in that pandemonium of aloneness, in that irrelevance
scribbled in haste. You can never know.
To me, Deep Blue Ink just happened.
I woke out of a dream and walked straight into it.
It has been more
than a year since it all began in an apartment in California. It has not always
been bumpy, there have been wonderful moments, there's been agony, there's been
My seven hours with sex workers was my only lesson in Destiny
- they did not choose their wombs, Fate could have played dirty with me too; the
soft-spoken prime minister in whose presence even my faint heartbeat pounded like
chaos; the Begum in a crumbling palace caught in a dreadful time warp; that night
near the Golden Temple when I let faith grow in the subsoil. Sedulously.
between, there has been the Me growing out of pigtails and accepting the first
strand of silver in my long hair; the giggles that now don't necessarily come
when I beckon them; the Faith that got seared by its own vulnerability; the eyelids
that stand guard while the eyes wait...

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