The beauty who loves black & horror movies

house of French couturier Christian Dior sure has taste, it never settles for
anything less than the most exquisite in town. So when in India recently in search
of its brand ambassador it chose Sonalika Sahay. Surprising? Not at all. This
is not the first time the 5ft 10 inches tall Sahay has been feted and toasted.
She was recently chosen the Fresh Face of the Year at the F Awards and not too
long ago she was among the top three in the Oriental Model Contest held at the
Shanghai Fashion Week. And if you flip through her dossier you will find all the
essential glitter there - she has scorched the ramp, done fashion spreads for
all top fashion magazines and also added sheen to television and print with the
innumerable ad campaigns. And at the F Awards when
Sahay, wearing an off-shoulder black sheath, walked up to receive the statuette
from fashion diva Ritu Kumar, perhaps nobody counted the number of steps she had
taken from Hazaribagh, a small town in Jharkhand, where she grew up and where
her parents still live. "My dad is very tall, so at least the height is genetic,"
she says. Spending her childhood in a lavish home, Sahay did think of modeling
as a career option, but trying to butter both sides of the bread she graduated
with a degree in hotel management. She then she started flying amidst the clouds
with Singapore Airlines and then, as they say, the first step became a giant leap
Ask her where she wants to be and Maldives pops quick
out of the map. "I am very much a sea person, the coral beds there are beautiful."
Black is her favourite color and Thai her favourite cuisine. She works out regularly
and drinks a lot of water to retain the peaches and cream of her complexion. If
you want to take her out for a movie, don't go for mush, choose horror, because
that's the cool genre for her. And what about all the
adulation that gets strewn on her path? "Frankly I do enjoy the attention
sometimes but then its gravity that brings me back to earth", she chirps.
Who would that one special man be for a date? "Brad Pitt, for sure."
Of late, awards and honors are falling your way. You
were chosen the Fresh Face of the Year at the F Awards and also signed a contract
with Dior. What does it feel like? It really feels great to see my hard
work getting paid off. The two-year Christian Dior contract is like a dream come
true, it gives me the zeal to work better in future. Did
you ever think that life would take such a turn? Did you chart a course for yourself? I
did hope for it and worked towards it. It is important to at least have a rough
idea about where one is heading otherwise it will be impossible to achieve anything.
Even I have taken one step at a time to reach where I am today. Growing
up in a small town, did it ever cross your mind that one day you would be on the
ramp and the toast of the fashion world? It is only when you dream,
can you make it happen. It is like blueprinting in the mind. With my extremely
tall and lean frame I had always thought about modelling as a career option. Were
you ever starry eyed about the world of glitter and glamour? Anyone you wanted
to emulate? I wasn't starry eyed about the world of glamour. Even today
modelling to me is a job that I enjoy. I want to forge my own identity. If
not modeling, what would Sonalika Sahay be doing? If not a model I
would have been a hotelier. That is why I graduated in hotel management. Maybe
further down in life I would love to work for PETA. I am very fond of animals
and would like to do my bit for them. You
were with working as an air hostess with Singapore Airlines, how did modeling
happen? I wasn't fortunate enough to have Opportunity knocking on my
door. In fact while flying for Singapore Airlines I had lots of free time in Singapore
so I sent my pictures to modeling agencies. I-Models signed me up and that is
how it all started. Of course, I later signed up with Elite Model Management in
India. How did your family take
to your decision to model? Was the shift easy? My family has always
been supportive. My dad always trusted my decision. Dad and I were a little adamant
about completely taking to modeling and shifting base to India. But I took the
chance, gave it my best shot and it all worked for me. You
have traveled extensively and participated in several fashion shows, what
has been your aha moment? A moment that you would want to cherish forever. My
"aha moment" is my first show in India. It was Lakme India Fashion Week,
2003, when I did Tarun Tahiliani's finale garment What
does Sonalika do when she is not donning beautiful clothes and modelling? Relaxing
at home watching television or reading books. Any
regrets? No regrets at all. Whatever I do in life I do it hoping for
the best and prepared for the worst. Every failure is a lesson for the future. Modelling
is an ephemeral business, where do you see yourself five years from now? Modelling
is definitely short-lived but it gives a good platform for transition into any
other field. I am open to the idea of movies but only if something interesting
comes by where I need to challenge my potential for it. Any
dreams lying in wait? I am a dreamer, but I would call them future plans
than mere dreams. Any advice for
the young aspiring models? Modelling is pure hard work and persistence.
If you dare to dream have the courage to go ahead and achieve it. Life is a fun
journey, cherish every moment of it. Published
in Sun Magazine, December 2004 Contact: